
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still Thoughts in a New Light -photos

Spent the afternoon with Ann Flemming photographing our new work. We were thinking about how we think about our art and talking about talking about our sculpture......................
..........................................Just writing it is confusing, no wonder that's it is so hard to do alone.

Photos of the monk from "Still Thoughts".


  1. This is a beautiful piece Patrick. The wood grain cowl is remarkably well-draped!

  2. Thank you, Carolyn.
    It was wonderful to realize I could let the wood be perfectly itself and it would evoke the drapery without me having to carve it. Less (work) is more art. Now for the rest of the sculpture. He is going to be seated in a carved garden.

  3. Patrick I am glad you linked to my site. The monk is very beautiful, you have caught his stillness and grace.
