
Monday, May 18, 2009

Sculptor Sarah Rowe

After seeing my posts on the Vegas Corinthian Capital, T Hildebrandt sent me this link to artist Sarah Rowe's website. Ms. Rowe creates architectural elements, but hers are all carved by hand in wood and are in a class by themselves. Her level of craftsmanship is exquisite.

The effort necessary to execute the many, many steps of these projects is balanced by knowing they will stand the test of time and be appreciated as long as they exist. 

Sarah told me, "When I found out, after the fact of creation, that the capitals I had built were from original designs, I felt time sing through me. It thrilled me to the core. The thousands of years between ancient Greece and me disappeared for a moment and I became one  with those long gone artisans. Most people would not understand the heart and soul of it."  

"I had a similar sense of being firmly anchored in time, place, and purpose when I was working on the Trinity table carvings. Fine art changes through the centuries, but fine craft does not."

Her formidable skills took years of training. In addition to a degree in fine art from the University of New Orleans, Sarah learned her craft the traditional way with extended apprenticeships under several master carvers. Since the early 1990's Sarah has been producing hand carved architectural ornament from her own studio.

Sarah works with individuals, designers, contractors and architects who are restoring or preserving historic homes and commercial buildings, or constructing new ones. She repairs broken or deteriorated carvings on antique furniture and millwork, and is equally comfortable with traditional or contemporary designs. Her website is

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