
Friday, June 18, 2010

Sculpture and ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder is:

Carving a tiny ear with a razor sharp knife

while trying to eat scalding hot clam chowder

and deciding to call a friend because I've been alone in the studio all day.

Sigh, some things must be done one at a time.


  1. I call it a man who multitasks!!! All artists must be doing three things at once or it just isn't creativity!

  2. I am trying to do way too much right now and need some new inspiration!

    There is a fab giveaway on my site from Pillow Mint. Come and enter!

    Art by Karena

  3. My efforts to multi-task sabotage my progress all the time. I have to remind myself to live in the moment or I will surely hurt myself.

    Is this your sculpture? She's a beauty!

  4. Yes, Dutchbaby, she's my carving. Hopefully going to be finished soon.
