
Monday, September 13, 2010

Sculpture and the Garden

What do we mean when we say a plant is sculptural?

Do we mean its shape is easy to understand?
Euphorbia Obesa

Is it sculptural if it acts as metaphor and makes us think of something else?

Read about this Edifice Complex.

Is a plant sculptural if it has directly inspired sculpture?
photo credit

Medieval  Crosiers photos from the blog, Catholic Eye Candy
Can a plant be sculpture?


  1. yes, any plant that is "simple" in structure with defined planes lends itself to sculpture...simple organic shapes can translate easiest into sculptural forms. Just look at agave cactus.

  2. Theresa, I'm making papercuts of Agave cactus so had to find other plants to feature here.
    This is the official start of my book
    about sculpture and the garden. Going to work out my thinking in bite sized pieces....

  3. Going to be a dolt here and say, "can a plant NOT be sculptural?"

    That's where my mind immediately went.

