
Friday, October 15, 2010

Sculpture and Collage

Is it a crime if you steal from yourself?
What if you don't know it?
Or only dimly remember?
Aren't you glad when you realize how smart you were way back then?
 In developing a maquette for another sculpture competition, I realized that I had this same idea THIRTY YEARS ago. In less than 5 minutes I found early color xerox copies of the collage cards I'd made from an Arizona calendar and old surfing magazines. (I'm still amazed at that level of organization.)

The cards are tiny 3 x 3 inch landscape compositions. Torn up images of the desert became coastal islands, complete with white waves (the torn unprinted paper). I'd visited Baja, Mexico and loved its stark beauty. Each card is a composition in itself, but becomes more interesting when placed next to another and another to form little archipelagos.

  It's not a crime. It's a gift!


  1. Very cool!! I love how the cards 'fit' together!

    And I must say, I bow to your organizational skills as well. I spent time looking for something I filed 'safely' away, re-did it, only to find it later. Yes, 'safely' filed away. I know, it's time for a complete file drawer redo. Sigh.

    Take a bow...Mr. Organized :)

  2. How wonderfully creative makes me feel I must sort out so much and see what I have hidden away.

    I have a Luxurious New Giveaway on my site....Come and enter!!

    Art by Karena

  3. You have me beat on organization! I have multiple files loosely organized by subject matter. Isn't is interesting how our core really never changes? We are attracted to the same things over and over again,,maybe reinterpreted a little, but basically the same. I have a piece I acquired when I was 17 that still amazes me today-almost 40 years later!

  4. Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog. I was simply searching artists' blogs when I found yours. LOVE your torn paper archipeligos! And as far as stealing is concerned, even Picasso said he did it! Are you kidding? Your pics make me want to get out my colored papers and start ripping!

    As far as the YUPO goes, no, it doesn't peel or flake off at all. You have to be really careful when you paint, though, that you only take one pass over a layer already painted on, or it will lift right up. Once finished, I glaze them and varnish them, and they're good even if I roll 'em up! :)

    Happy art-making!
