
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sculpture and Cecelia Webber

In Cecelia Webber's art things are not quite what they seem to be.
Look closely.
Look again.
All photos by Cecelia Webber © 2010 used with permission

All photos by Cecelia Webber © 2010 used with permission

All photos by Cecelia Webber © 2010 used with permission

She begins with the human body as sculpture, posed and photographed. Those photographs are then colored and morphed into compelling images in her flower series. The results are both metaphorical and metaphysical.

William Blake would have loved her work.....

This from her website:
"It was really an accident. I shot a nude figure against a black background and thought it looked so much like a petal I just went with it."  And thus started her journey as a professional artist in hopes of dispelling much of the world's view of nudity as either "something erotic or disgusting," as she puts it.

Her work consists of only the naked human body, often her own, photographed in the most peculiar of positions then painstakingly overlaid using Photoshop to form the familiar shapes of petals, stamen and stem. So familiar the shapes are and so acutely formed that at first glance it is hard to tell that you're looking at naked people. Lastly, but always first in our book, she saturates the forms with stunning color. Her work pays great homage to nature: the beauty of the human figure and the shapes and colors that connect all living things.

Cecelia Webber's website, click here

1 comment:

  1. his is wonderful! I could also imagine these images animated ...
