
Monday, February 28, 2011

Sculpture and the American Friends of Italian Monumental Sculpture

All photos © aka Walter Arnold
Sculptor Walter S. Arnold is a busy man.

In addition to his own studio work, Arnold started the American Friends of Italian Monumental Sculpture to help restore the magnificent marble sculptures at Staglieno Cemetery in Genoa, Italy.

The monumental cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa, Italy is the largest outdoor sculpture museum in Europe and houses the finest collection of late 19th and early 20th century Italian marble sculpture.

All photos © aka Walter Arnold

For more information visit the American Friends of Italian Monumental Sculpture website.


  1. OMG...those photos! I love the light play in the last photo,,,the snake is pretty cool as well. Perfect examples of shadow on stone.

  2. That first angel is pretty intense. I'll post more photos of her and others soon, Theresa.

  3. He has great technic. I like these. His works reminds me Italian sculpture. One of my favorite sculptors is Messina.
