
Friday, February 4, 2011

Sculpture and Florian Pucher

These rugs are are a humorous distillation of farmland as seen by Florian Pucher.  Called Landcarpet they reflect the farming practices in different parts of the world.

While they have slight depth changes between the different fields of color, I'm calling them sculptural because they play with how we perceive and move through space. Your feet may be on the ground, but seeing the landcarpet from this perspective means your head is in the clouds. You can cross miles of landscape in a few steps.
Landcarpet Europe

Landcarpet Netherlands shows the flower fields of Holland.

Landcarpet USA

Lancarpet Africa
My favorite is the African landcarpet. What's your's?
More information on his website


  1. This is a fabulous execution! I am in the clouds! I love the African one as well, but the grids of color are great as well. I would love to see some clouds appliqued in.

  2. very fun! been hoping for an artist to capture the "plane ride over crop fields", loving the bright Holland flowers.
