
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sculpture and Poetry/Music

photo by David Bales
Call it a professional-life crisis.

"Is sculpture at all relevant in this age of virtual busyness?" 
 I'm not doubting my skills or the work itself. Is the work of making contemplative sculpture worth doing if there is no audience for it? 

Other than beauty, I've been thinking about what does sculpture offer to the world?

Stillness and silence.

Sculpture embodies these two qualities and holds them with anyone willing to take the time to slow down.

I'm looking for answers in Poetry and Music, and finding encouragement. Not answers, encouragement.

Two lines from WH Auden.
"To pray is to pay attention or, shall we say, to 'listen' to someone or something other than oneself."

"He has never seen God,
but, once or twice, he believes
he has heard Him."

What encourages you to make your art? 


  1. what encourages me? Every pore in my body is wired to make art....I do it as naturally as breathing. Life encourages me....color seen in nature....experiences through travels...and some friends I have met through blogging!

  2. So good to hear that,Theresa. I forget much of that fun and support of natural curiosity when I begin to market my work. What if the two weren't seperate at all?
    Time to change my thinking....
