
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sculpture and St Francis

St. Francis by Patrick Gracewood ©2011

The Association of NW Landscape Designer's booth
After all the work involved creating the St Francis relief, installation was wonderfully uneventful. Dolly in the steel frame and the art, set the frame in place, put the art on the frame, tighten two bolts.  

Done.  (Done, at least for three days when it all comes down.)

It turned out just as I envisioned it. The finished St Francis relief looks like an architectural fragment from the middle ages, sited in a lovely garden. Let's hope he finds his way into a real garden after this three day fantasy show.

The Association of Northwest Landscape Designer's booth really punched the colors to stand against the vast expanse of grey floors and black ceilings of the Oregon Convention Center.

Kathryn Leech of River City Gardens and fellow ANLD members, Deb Rossi and Megan Galaher, selected and arranged plants with colored and textured foliage that contrasted nicely with the painted walls. I liked the bright green striped phormiums, and yellow twig dogwood. An espaliered camellia's leaves repeated the leaves of the relief carving. The green and bronze leaves of Melianthus major are seen below the sculpture

St Francis by Patrick Gracewood ©2011


  1. Ooooh! I love the echo of the leaves behind St. Francis' head! Really thoughtful and lovely... I can picture him crouched in similar circumstance in a "real" garden. I shall endeavor to picture him arrived at a new home.

  2. Thanks, Sherrie. Once my sculptures have debuted I try to think of them as college kids. Go out into the world and find your way....
    because a new baby has your bedroom. ie my workbench.

  3. Gorgeous piece, Patrick!!
    St. Francis never looked so good!
    Beautiful setting, too. Best to you at the show.

  4. What a wonderfully fun and peaceful portrait of one of my favorite saints!

    St. Frances belongs in many gardens, and zoos, too.
