
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sculpture and Demonstrations

 I did an AAC carving demonstration last weekend for the Pacific Northwest Sculptors as part of the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts. This year, the festival's 48th, the focus was on sculpture.
My AAC carving tools. There's a stone chisel at the top left, followed by aluminum tools I've made. There is also a spoon, a screwdriver and a hammer to show people that they probably have something at home that will work to carve this material.
I always try to be aware of my audience when I'm demonstrating. Children don't want a lot of talk, they want to begin (and quit) quickly. I cut several small blocks so that anyone who wanted could try carving the AAC.  Many folks passed by, a few were curious enough to stop and try carving.

Brenda Troisi with her relief sculpture.
One adult, Brenda Troisi, came with an interest and left with a lesson plan. 

Brenda carved a small prototype relief in about 30 minutes. She tried various tools, estimated how much material she'd need for several classes, the costs, and brainstormed with me how to make enough simple tools for the children so they can carve their own sculptures.
Brenda volunteers through an Art Literacy program

Lake Oswego schools are lucky to have arts advocates like Brenda. Most children learn best when they are physically engaged. The arts can make any subject more fun to learn.

Brenda's interest and commitment to school children and the arts made all the work of carrying all the sculpture and supplies back and fort worth it.

Do you share your knowledge by doing demonstrations of your art? What have you learned from it?


  1. I love to share. I especially enjoy teaching children... gold leafing, ceramic tile painting, flower arranging, and more. Their little minds are ready to absorb new ideas and often, they are very original with their designs

  2. Very true, Gina.
    I have a 6 foot tall bright orange lion, no, make that a LION watercolor on the door to my office. Very fierce.

    Our little one did that when she was 6! I've never made a watercolor any where near that size.
