
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sculpture and Horseshoe Crabs

They look like Greek war helmets, but are much older than the ancient Greeks.
Older than the dinosaurs by millions of years.
Horseshoe crab study, watercolor and pen & ink by Patrick Gracewood ©2011
They are Horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, and are considered a living fossil. We were at Cape Cod last month and took a trip to Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, where the crabs come to lay their eggs and molt their skins.
Horseshoe crab study, watercolor and pen & ink by Patrick Gracewood ©2011

I made these watercolors and ink studies because the shapes of the crabs are so beautiful. Sharp armor and beautiful smooth forms. The shed skins are translucent gold and very fragile. You can see one between my hands in the photo above.

Have you encountered any fossils, living or otherwise, this summer?