
Monday, September 19, 2011

Sculpture and a Provincetown Garden

Wouldn't you like to live on Pleasant Street?

 For having such long winters, this Cape Cod Garden celebrates the summer. I walked by this lovely garden every day. Thought you'd like it too, its carefully orchestrated colors cover the clear bones of its structure: patios, paths, urns and evergreens.
This is the view from the sidewalk. I'd love to see what the garden looks like from inside the house.

Greys, whites and pale pinks are the color scheme in the upper garden.

Fragrant Nicotiana.

The garden steps down several levels between one street and the next. On each level is a paved terrace to enjoy the view.

This is the last of my Cape Cod vacation postings. Back to Portland, Oregon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patrick: Love the contrast of the linear geometry of the hardscape with the billowing horticulture. Ah, Nicotiana sylvestris. Such a stalwart self-seeder for me. Say, I'm now at A new uncommon and astonishing plant, from my own garden, no less, every day. Louis
