
Monday, April 2, 2012

Sculpture of John Frame and Drawing

I saw the wonderfully dreamlike John Frame show at the Portland Art Museum.
Sculpture and photo by John Frame.
The lighting was beautiful on the tiny sculptures but that made it so dark it was almost impossible to draw. Luckily I was able to sketch four in the brief time I had.

The book about Frame's work is called Three Fragments of a Lost Tale. 

In reading it, I realized that I misunderstood what I'd posted earlier. Mr. Frame does title his characters. (Don't believe every thing a docent says! and fact check!!!)
John Frame's "Pere Jules" drawing by Patrick Gracewood ©2012

"The Crippled Boy as a Monument" drawing by Patrick Gracewood ©2012
John Frame's "Argus Questions" drawing by Patrick Gracewood ©2012
 Drawing after a John Frame sculpture, "Osep Naz finds the windmill reliquery" by Patrick Gracewood ©2012


  1. Thank you, Beatriz, Steve. It's rare these days that I simply draw for pleasure, usually it's ideas or explanations for sculpture.,,,but it all began with the love of drawing.
