
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sculpture and Drawing

I'm doing my best to do as little as possible this summer. 
Ironically, it's an all out commitment to heal the last 7 years of chronic pain.  
That includes typing.  So it's time for orphaned and out of sequence posts.

I'm hoping that your summer has rest in it too.
From all the paper cutting I've been doing recently, I'm learning about the power of pattern. 
That knowledge makes it easier to simplify the Solomon Seal border. 

Never be afraid to go back and revise and edit your work. 

Here's the latest iteration.
                          It gives more room for the portrait and still has detail.
The original drawing now looks like a thicket
Here's the cartoon using the Solomon's Seal as a surround for the commissioned portrait. photo by Mark Downing.

Another irony? This pattern never made it to the finished painting.

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