
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sculpture and Paper Cuts

What happens when you take a flat graphic pattern and sandblast it on to stone?

It's fascinating how that image in stone becomes delicate.
Instead of a flat graphic pattern you see subtle nuances of texture and light.

Wild Rose by Patrick Gracewood ©2012
 Remember this wild rose papercut?
Peter Andrusko, master of all things stone, translated it into both positive and negative images on a 12 x 12 inch Pennsylvania blue stone tile.
This is the negative version with the image recessed.

This is the positive version with the image on the surface.
I'm delighted with both versions so I need your help.
Does one (positive) or the other (negative) read better for you?


  1. Hello!
    I like your blog very much-so glad I found it!
    About your question:
    Instinctly I like the positive version most, because I can see what it is at once.
    But at a second thought, the negative version is far more interesting, because here I have to think and figure it out..
    So it depends on the mood for the easy way or having a philosofic day :)

  2. Your design does translate very well, much prefer the positive image - looks less machined.

  3. Thanks for your feedback, Drommerit, Jennifer.

    With paper cuts it's all about that play between positive and negative, so I sometimes loose track of which is which. But in this case positive (relief instead of intaglio )wins.

  4. Love this! I have to say I like the positive image the best, I like the openness of it.

  5. I know you have already decided but still I wanted to leave my opinion, I like them both but I find the negative more interesting. Since they are tiles keep both and make some sort of pattern, that's my suggestion.

  6. Beatriz, the best /worst part of my friend's gift is that they are on opposite sides of the same tile.You can only see one or the other at any given time.
