
Monday, August 6, 2012

Sculpture and Writing

The little mother, detail, by Patrick Gracewood ©2012
Blogging just got me a $15,000 public art commission.

Did they discover my art by reading my blog?
Back story: I was editor for 2 and a half years of the monthly newsletter for the Pacific Northwest Sculptors. That's 30 eight page newletters. I researched and wrote almost every article. As soon as one was done, I started on the next month. It was exhausting, my own work suffered.

I did learn to write, and write regularly. Inspiration was not required, writing was. 
Funny, that's sort of like studio work, showing up daily is the important element of success.

After five people took on the job of producing the newsletter, I decided if I was going to work that hard, it would be promote my own sculpture. This blog Shadows On Stone began on my birthday in 2008.

666 posts later, I'm still committed to writing as if I'm sending you, dear reader, a postcard.
One or two pictures with as few words as possible while still saying exactly what I want you to know.
Writing the winning proposal took me 30 minutes plus six years of regularly writing.

That writing practice allowed my public art proposal to be 242 words. That's half a page to describe my art and what it offers the public. You've got to produce AND be able to edit ruthlessly.

They call it a practice for a reason. 

Daily, weekly, year in / year out you show up and do your work, in your studio and in your office................ and some times, you get lucky.