
Monday, March 11, 2013

Sculpture and Paper Cuts - Poetry and Metaphor

Why would a sculptor in love with three dimensionality become obsessed with flat black paper?

I'm interested in metaphor, poetry, and meaning. Sculpture is deadly when it becomes literal.
How to get the right mix of narrative, and dare I say it? humor into a sculpture is good research.

Can something be beautiful AND funny? If it's true, why yes of course.

Anyone who gardens knows the ravages of snails. Yet I still like snails.
Here, before I cut the leaves, they circle like sharks to dine on the hydrangea's blossoms.
Hydrangea and snails paper cut by Patrick Gracewood ©2013 work in progress
The circle within a square is symbol for heaven on earth.
Square = four directions of earth. Circle = heaven.

The word Paradise means a walled garden. Our very existence depends upon plants and insects.
The garden as symbol for paradise is the closest most of us come on a regular basis to heaven.

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