
Friday, July 5, 2013

Sculpture and Taxidermy

In the Middle Ages, sculpture was an educational tool. The illiterate could see narrative Biblical stories carved into church facades. We'd like to think we've come so far from then.

We haven't. Not really.
Sculpture still tells us stories of meaning, of Eden's lost.
Photography by Michael Kirby Smith for the NYTimes

Lonesome George, the last surviving member of the Pinta Island subspecies of Galapagos tortoise, died last year.  His body is being preserved, a combination of his actual shell and castings taken from his body, so that he can go on display at the research station in the Galapagos Islands where he lived for forty years.
Giant tortoises can live to be 200 years old. Sculpture, even taxidermy, can last even longer.
Alginate casts of Lonesome George's head
The giant tortoise is a symbol for conservation of the Galapagos Islands.  "George was a reminder of what we as a species are capable of doing out of ignorance." said Johanna E. Barry the Galapagos Conservancy 's Founder and president.  Read the article in the NY Times here.

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