
Friday, June 20, 2014

Sculpture and the Association of Northwest Landscape Designer's 2014 Garden Tour

Time for the Association of Northwest Landscape Designer's 2014 Garden Tour, Saturday June 28.
Six gardens are on the tour, each featuring art and sculpture. My art will be in the Moore Garden.

That arbor needs to do more than just support a clematis. Since the neighbors are so close, let's use it to frame a sculpture and create a view within this garden......

There is a deluxe garden shed that serves as a winter conservatory for tender plants.
The little lion now stands guard outside that door.

It's an effort to transport these heavy cast stone sculptures. I got smart and hired strong help to carry and install the sculpture. It's all worth it to see how art changes the way you experience a garden space.

Adam leveling the steel frame for St Francis.

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