Carolyn Stuart and I will be faciltating the second Contact Exchange at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Detroit, Oregon.This is a gathering to explore the experience of contact and the act of improvising. Contact Improvisation is a dance form that invites us to investigate movement while in physical contact. It is based in personal responsibility and mutual well-being.
We’ll use the heart of winter to luxuriate in the depths of contact, discovering what we are doing and what is possible with improvisation.
Come in order to exchange, to teach and to learn, to co-create. Come as you are. You’ve had experience with contact since you’ve had body! Come enjoy this time to allow the contact to reveal and nourish your being and belonging.
Carolyn Stuart and Patrick Gracewood have been researching contact improvisation for over 20 years, logging hundreds of projects along the way. The process of exchange and discovery never ceases to inspire and delight them. They are excited to facilitate and participate in this laboratory, an opportunity to settle into a lively investigation of how the dance of contact is co-created, moment-by-moment. Currently they offer C.I. events at Gracewood Studio in Portland, OR.
INFO: Carolyn 503.282.2938 or touchmonk@yahoo.com
REG: Breitenbush 503.854.3320
BEGINS: Sun dinner
ENDS: Fri lunch COST: $110 Sun-Fri (5 nights), $85 Sun to Wed (3 nights), $75 Wed to Fri (2 nights) plus lodging
DEPOSIT: cost of lodging
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