It's so delicious to slow down.
A gentle rain is falling, my office is warm, the door is locked, the phone on silent. I'm spending the morning steeping myself in the distant past, 1000 to 1350 AD, looking at my books on Romanesque and Gothic art.
Those art books take up almost an entire 4 foot wide shelf. It's heavenly not to feel rushed and savor each image.
My eyes drift from images of cathedrals to tiny enamels, woodcarvings and reliquaries. How quirky and alive everything is. I'm enjoying them both for their own beauty, but I'm also hunting for solutions, noting details and color palettes, making drawings for use on these next two carvings.
Hope you can steal some time to sit quietly and plan your new year.
Ahh...what a great idea. I'm carving out a day for me just like this, thanks for the inspiration!
Me too my friend, me too.