
Monday, September 6, 2010

Sculpture and the Farwest Show #4

More photos of the flame panels and art at the New Varieties Showcase booth at the Farwest Show.

I think this photo, below, looks like a Rousseau painting. It just needs a lurking monkey or tiger....

Gracewood Studio bas relief panel, 4x6 feet

Theresa Cheek of Art's the Answer wrote in to ask, "What happens to the panels now that the show is over?"

Like any trade show, many people worked long hours and moved TONS of materials for a brief three day dazzle. The party's already over. The panels are getting rained upon in my driveway.

I'm going to remove the panels from their frames and see what they look like painted a dark faux bronze with lots of bright "metal" highlights and green verdigris dripping everywhere.

Then maybe it's time to open an Etsy shop instead of packing them into my overstuffed woodshed...?
The frames were designed to hold the weight of AAC concrete, so I'll design and carve bas relief panels for them.


  1. Hmmmmmm........Fed-Ex and UPS already hate me, but, PLEASE open an etsy store!!!!!!

  2. Simply beautiful!

    I used to exhibit at book conventions and I thought schlepping books was hard work. Ha! I can't imagine having to transport and exhibit these works of art.
