
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sculpture and The Last of Summer

It's so easy to fall into the trap of working all the time.
Even going on vacation requires tremendous effort, what I call "achieving escape velocity". That means finishing every necessary project.

It's time to take a break and enjoy the last of summer. It's raining today and I'm loving it. The garden and land badly need it. I can feel everything relaxing in the soft rain.

Here's a few highlights of summer at Gracewood Studio and garden.
I wait all year for these Conca D'Or lilies to bloom. I'm 6 feet tall and look up into their blooms. The fragrance fills the entire garden. There are lovely white Casablanca lilies in the garden, but while these 8 foot tall monsters are blooming, they're all I want to look at.

Travel took us to the east coast and to California, making stops to see sculpture.

I made a pilgrimage to the home and studio of August Saint-Gaudens, a national historic site in Cornish, New Hampshire. Many posts on this coming up. It was inspiring and humbling. He was an amazing sculptor. 
Amour Caritas by Augustus Saint Gaudens as seen in the reflecting pool.
Above the clouds, at sunset at San Simeon, Ca.
Also upcoming posts on the sculpture at San Simeon, aka Hurst's castle.

Aside from vacations, I love working outdoors in summer, when just looking up from working gives an unexpected pleasure.
Have you taken a break today and looked up or down?

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