
Friday, July 8, 2011

Sculpture and A Pop-Up Studio at Rare Plant Research.

 I'll be taking the Gracewood Studio Pop-Up  (my workbench, tools and art) to Rare Plant Research this Saturday as part of their Garden Party.

I began several pieces last year to have something to show while demonstrating carving. It's very satisfying to return this year and show finished sculpture.

Rare Plant Research is hosting the 2011 Garden Party at Villa Catalana, the Romanesque inspired home of Burl and Cindy Mostul. Good food, music and art all in a beautiful country setting. For an evening you can be in Italy..........

The new St Francis carving, the little Lion, and my other work will look right at home at Rare Plant Research.
St Francis relief sculpture by Patrick Gracewood ©2011 31 inches x 20 x 4 inches
To see more of Villa Catalana's buildings and gardens, click here.

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