
Monday, September 23, 2013

Sculpture and Models #4 Models and Meanings

Having to lay on the floor to best see the work is informative.
Looking at the model let me realize how many different threads are woven into this piece....

I'm laughing that the model is a Cubist interpretation of a Sacred Grove!
Who knew this would happen?

The shelter had to be both Tree and House. Not one or the other, but both equally.
The geometric bent steel sheets = house, but the cut outs are organic tree shapes.
From this low viewpoint the tree is simultaneously growing vertically while it's actually horizontal.
That's a neat trick to accomplish.
I've spent my life studying birds and trees, caring for and drawing them.
These cut out shapes are a flock of birds in flight, settling into the tree for evening.
 The little cut outs add a sense of motion, and mimic dots of light coming through leaves.

Is it odd to be obsessed with making a physical object that is all about the play of light?
Is sun light the greatest story ever told?

Within the grove is a short stout old woman. She is a portrait of Babette,  she also represents Woman in Nature. Mother Nature, or any Oracle you'd care to name.

It may be a private joke, but this modern mash up of folk art paper cutting, Cubism, CorTen steel and wood carving is all about honoring the strength of women. That goes all the way back to
the Venus figurines. It doesn't get any more archetypal than that.

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