
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sculpture and Siting Art - Saint Gaudens Studio, Pan and his pool...

This gilt bronze Pan figure is the focus of a small pool near Saint Gaudens studio.
The big leaves of the planting anchors the art and contributes to a feeling of primal lushness.
 The Pan figure is not large, maybe 3 feet tall? (I should have measured.)
Imagine this sculpture without those big leaves, it would appear insignificant, much less magical. 
You'd look at the house, or out past it to the forest.

The clever planting allows the art to change in emotional content throughout the year.
Think how differently Pan's music sounds in fall when those big leaves are tattered and yellow.
Imagine what flute notes he's playing when those strong shoots emerge from the ground 
(or the greenhouse) in late spring as if his music is charming them to unfurl.
Context matters with sculpture.
Context shapes Meaning.

Look at those lovely water spouts, one cast repeated four times. Leaping golden fish.

Across from this pool, there's a lovely bench, with another Pan and his pan pipes on either end.  
The better to pause and enjoy it all.

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