Knowing how I love to draw, Emily Wilson sent me this link from the Economist about Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castell. You know, he's the pencil baron.
So convinced is Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castell that his pencils are the best in the world that one day in 2005 he threw 144 of them out of the window from the tower of his Schloss. They fell 30 metres onto hard tarmac—and not one of them broke. The graphite “lead” is so firmly squeezed and glued into its pinewood sleeve that it will not shatter, he boasts, something that is not true of lesser brands.
I want to see proof of that. Where is that Youtube video?
No video on that bit of PR Grandstanding, but I did find this industrial video on the construction of Farber-Castel pencils.
Pay no attention to that British voice that makes you feel like you're back in grade school. The film is actually pretty interesting.Watch it ?
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