After reviewing "stock pile" I had to look at the real deal.
It's at a temple in Kyoto, Gingkakuji or the Silver Temple. The truncated cone of gravel sits in a white sand garden. But to get the full aesthetic experience there are even more parameters. It's meant to be viewed by moonlight. (image from Dellaratta.com)
There's nothing left to chance, but plenty of room for fallen leaves and moonlight. That's art.
Cue the music...
"...Every little detail plays a part
Having just a vision's no solution
Everything depends on execution
Putting it together, that's what counts..." from Sunday in the Park with George.
Just the photo stops me in my tracks.
It stands on its own legs, inviting my interpretation - mastery at play with drift.
Eye opening -D
Yep. That's what art is supposed to do. Way better than having to scratch your head and wonder WTF?
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