Making sculpture is physically demanding, marketing sculpture is even harder on both body and soul.
That's why it's really good for an artist to be able to STOP and REST.
Stop for at least two or three days. Alone if possible.
Herm at Hearst Castle. Being there in the evening is like stepping into a Maxfield Parrish painting. |
Tell everyone you have
important appointments (with yourself!) and then keep them.
HIDE -either in your studio or out in the big world where no one knows where you are.
Do as little as possible.......take long walks.................draw and
Do no production, marketing, tweeting,
Facebooking, networking, phone calls, mailings, etc.
Stop doing all those necessary things that can also make you feel crazy and overwhelmed.
Stop long enough to connect with the joy and excitement you get from creating for your own pleasure.
When you're connected with that spirit it's much easier to keep everything else in perspective, You can connect with others because you're connected with why you make your art.
Walking in from the beach at Cape Cod. |
(I speak from personal experience.)